Tanakh (fluent) and Tanakh (slower) are Android reading Apps that contain all 39 Books of the Hebrew Scriptures. These apps employ the exemplary Hebrew reading of Abraham Shmuelof. The "fluent" is at normal speed. The "slower" is reduced-tempo by 20%. Synchronization of the text with audio in the apps and epubs is fully functional for all of the books in both versions. Creative Commons License information is given on the About page of each app. The Tanakh_(slower).apk requires the entire folder "Tanakh (slower)" in order to run on Android. The Tanakh_(fluent).apk requires the entire folder "Tanakh (fluent)" in order to run on Android. The epubs are version-3 and have the audio for each book built in. The best program currently available for reading epubs on a PC is Readium which is an add-on of Google Chrome. Yes, Google Chrome would be required for using this add-on. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/readium . Shalom, Steve Gallagher 24 September 2015