Resources for Learning Hebrew
This page offers Hebrew Scriptures in a format that can help you learn to read Hebrew. We offer these resources in two formats, Audio ePub and Android app. In both of these formats, the Hebrew text of the Tanakh will be displayed and audio navigation buttons will enable the playing of the audio while the text that is being read is highlighted.
The Hebrew text is read by Abraham Shmuelof. There is a fluent version and a version in which the audio is slowed down by 20% to help those who are not yet fluent in reading Hebrew.
All these resources are published under a Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND License, which means you are free to copy and redistribute the material under the following terms:
- BY: you must give appropriate credit;
- NC: you may not use the material for commercial purposes;
- ND: you may copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based on it.
Android Reading App
The following is a link to a .zip file which you can download, unzip and install on your Android device: Tanakh_Fluent (825mb). Read the Instructions for installing this Reading App.
If your Android device is unable to install an apk file that large, you can install a smaller version of the app without the audio files built in. You will then need to download the Hebrew mp3 files, unzip them, and copy the “Tanakh (fluent)” folder anywhere to your Android device.
Audio ePub
Below you find the links to the Audio ePubs for each book. In order to read the Audio ePubs on your device we recommend using Google Chrome with the extension Readium. Read step-by-step instructions to set up your computer.