Discover Your Language

What is it?

A four-week course for Papua New Guinean Bible translators who want to begin to investigate the grammatical structure of their own language, in order to better understand the process of translation into their Tok Ples and to improve the linguistic naturalness of their translation.

It follows on from the Language Discovery modules in TTC-1/2. Participants will be introduced to various linguistic concepts and find out how they work in their own languages. By the end of the course, participants will have written a short tentative description of the grammar of their own language to take with them.

Who should come?

Papua New Guineans who want to begin to investigate the grammatical structure of their own languages. Participants should attend in teams of two or four from the same language community.


Required: TTC-1/2; good English Proficiency; attendance in teams of 2

Preferred: Minimum of grade 8; computer; well-written vernacular stories

Next session:

14 October – 10 November, 2020

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